Thursday, 16 May 2013

New ideas needs new reference, new reference means new concept art.

As I mentioned I'm going for a nanosuit look now so what better to refer to than Crysis, which is the majority of the reference I collected. Something I really learnt from the reference I  picked up is that similar to what I want to achieve their suits too follow the human male anatomy so it was perfect for me to look at.
One thing I won't be incorporating is their 'tube-like' look to their armour, as if it were all made from hundreds of tubes or something similar, I want my armour to be clear, shiny metal.

From this I again took my orthographics from the model I made and started to make concept art for what I actually want as a end product. This is what I came up with:

Again it does follow the human anatomy quite well but the most noticeable difference from my previous piece of concept art is that it covers almost the entire body, excluding parts of the face and neck. 
Using the mask pen and lasso to create polygroups I believe I can easily mimic the shapes and ideas presented in the above concept art. Once I have my entire body polygrouped I'll then proceed to use panel loops and move onto finer details and texturing.

This marks the end of week three and although I've taken quite a large step backwards I feel I've taken two forward in the sense that I know exactly what I'm doing and I know exactly how to do it, so now it's just a matter of doing it. I'm confident in three weeks I can complete everything I need to, the past two weeks haven't been so productive but I've learnt a lot and I plan to do a lot now.

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