Thursday, 16 May 2013


Once I had panel looped the entire body a large part of my modelling was actually done, it was only the texturing and rendering which I had to do. 
I've never rendered a model and then proceeded to compose it in Photoshop using several renders so this is the part of the project I'm most worried about, but I'm confident I'll be happy with whatever I make as it is my first time. 
This is the final model

Although the entire armour has the same texture this will be changing as I move forward with renders and Photoshop  for now it is fine. The skin also is quite irrelevant since it all can be altered and messed around with in Photoshop, however the skin is just painted with a skin material I got from the pixologic website.
Now for some render tests to see how this will actually pan out in the long run.

From the test BPR renders I really am pleased with the results - especially with the result of the fiber mesh. I really dislike the eyelashes, in fact I couldn't make realistic looking ones even after trying for quite a while, so I'll probably just remove them all together since you won't even see them in the final render. 

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